Enrich Chicago partners with Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (CROAR) to offer anti-racism learning opportunities to our members and to stakeholders in the Chicago-area arts and philanthropic community. Facilitation of these experiences is interactive and includes individual reflection, small group discussions, and audio/visual instructional tools . Enrich Chicago strives to leverage the arts as a narrative resource within the workshop and center the arts as a space for transformation.

Advance registration is required. Click here to view a complete set of dates and register for an upcoming workshop.


Introduction to Systemic racism (1 day)

Introduction to Systemic Racism workshop, introduces participants to the idea that racism is a systemic, institutional problem of power and creates the rationale for a structural intervention to dismantle it. This introductory workshops demonstrates that productive conversations about race are possible and that there is an effective methodology for facilitating them. The workshop serves as a starting point for an individual or organizational journey toward becoming an anti-racist, multicultural organization.

Understanding& Analyzing systemic racism

(2.5 days)

Offered in partnership with Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (CROAR), this workshop provides an opportunity for the participants to explore an introductory analysis of systemic racism and to begin to discern how this analysis shapes their lived experiences and work in the arts. Participants will also examine basic strategies for dismantling racism within their organization. At this workshop participants are invited to:

  • Create a shared language in their institution for talking effectively about systemic racism, how it operates in the larger society, and how it has an impact on institutions;

  • Analyze what racism is, how it originates and operates institutionally and culturally, and how it has an impact on the identity of individuals;

  • Engage in a comprehensive socio-historical exploration of the development of institutional racism in the United States;

  • Begin to equip your organization with a framework for examining organizational culture and moving toward antiracist transformation of the organization.

racial identity caucus

The racial identity caucus is a tool used to collectively grow our anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural identities. The goal of the caucus is to identify and move beyond the ways we' have been racially socialized into roles of presumed superiority and inferiority, and claim and celebrate anti-racist, re-humanizing ways of being together in community.

To participate in the caucus, you MUST have attended a Chicago ROAR 2.5 day Understanding and Analyzing Systemic Racism workshop.